Welcome to an Automatic Reminder

It is a flow which sends me the table of meetings and travel plans every morning at 8:00. It includes a travel Almaty-Moscow and shows current weather at departure and arrival points.

A template for this flow can be found on the site of Microsoft:


In the search field I type "office" and press the search icon.

I click the box "Email me with a list of upcoming events."

When all connectors are activated, I press "Continue."

The system opens me the window for flow editing. I fill the "Recurrence" box as shown above. I specify the frequency as day, fix my time zone and indicate 8 as the time of automatic report. 

In the "Get calendar view of events (V2)" I select Calendar. It is the Calendar in my Microsoft Teams, which is also present in Outlook.

The last correction to be made is to change "Imperial' units to 'Metric," since in my location, these units are used. I save this flow but before testing I create special meetings in the calendar for my future travel.

Notice, please, that the title must include "Flight," whereas the location is to be set to "Almaty," although the system reports it as unknow. The trick is that the column "Location" in the table is filled with the data from this field. If you will not specify it, then there will be no weather forecast.

For the second meeting, the word "Hotel" must be in its title. In the last field. I indicate "Moscow" in the location field. Now I can return to my flow and run the test. In a few seconds, I get the following message:

How to fix the UTC time?

To get correct UTC time in the columns "StarTime" and "EndTime," I suggest to replace the "Get calendar view of events (V2)" with  "Get calendar view of events (V3)." First, I remove version V2 by pressing the ellipsis at the right upper corner of the box and selecting "Delete." Then I type "Outlook" in the search of the new action, and select version V3. The first block "Convert time zone" is not necessary. It only shows inside the flow the time in the local time zone, when the flow is activated. If you decide to drop it, then insert utcNow() in the "Start Time" filed of the second block through the expression interface. Otherwise, the dynamic icon "Converted time" is inserted through the "Dynamic content" interface. When you remove V2, the Outlook dynamic icon "value" disappears in the box "Apply to each" followed the box of V3. You install it again using "Dynamic content," see the picture below. In the field "End Time," I insert the expression

addDays(body('Convert_time_zone'), 6)

through the expression interface.  I can equally insert addDays(,6) there, then put the mouse cursor in front of the comma, switch to "Dynamic content," and chose the dynamic icon "Converted time."

Do not forget to insert "value" shown on the picture above!

Being in the edit mode of the flow, I insert dynamic icons "Start time with Time Zone" and "End time with Time Zone" in three boxes of the flow shown above. They replace the expressions

formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')['Start'], 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss')

formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')['End'], 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss')

in the indicated places.

Here is the table I got to my Outlook mailbox after I saved changes and ran the test. Notice that the time in both columns is a UTC time. The registration on Flight 765 begins at 11:00 in airport Almaty by the UTC time. The time zone of Almaty is UTC+6. This means that I must be in the airport between 11+6=17 and 13+6=19 hours. 

As to hotel "Imperial," its location is Moscow. Moscow time is UTC+3. This means that I can register in this hotel between 15:30 and 16:00 Moscow time. 

Therefore, the rules for flights and hotels are the following. For flights, you create a meeting in your Teams Calendar, which includes the title (word "Flight" is obligatory)  and location. Start time is the start of registration and the end time is its end.  For hotels, you do the same but the title must include the word "Hotel." It is also necessary to choose the time zone of this meeting, which corresponds to the hotel's location. Start and end times are filled in the interval of registration.