
Grade Book for Teams

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Grade Book

Teams Power Shell

Microsoft Lists


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How to create a Grade Book in Teams?

Step 1. Creation of the class list. The easiest way to do this is to install Teams PowerShell. Installation of Teams PowerShell to a PC is performed only once. Therefore, this part, in fact, is not so hard as it may look like. One must have Windows 10 on his or her computer. This document explains how to install the latest version of PowerShell. Press Win+X and chose Windows PowerShell (Administrator) in the menu appeared.  For Teams PowerShell you need the version of PowerShell not less than 5.1. To get your version enter $PSVersionTable to the command line and press Enter. The installation of Teams PowerShell is performed by a series of commands executed in PowerShell.
1. $PSVersionTable (It returns the PowerShell version)
2. Get-ExecutionPolicy -List If it returns that all policies are undefined, then execute the following command. 
3. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
4. Get-ExecutionPolicy -List We check that the policy was changed.
5. Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
6. Update-Module MicrosoftTeams
7. Connect-MicrosoftTeams
The details of installation can be found here. The last command connects your PC to your account in the Azure Cloud of your University. The System will ask your credentials in log you in.
To get the list of students of your particular class you need the ID of the corresponding Team. Enter this Team and press three dots to the right of its name. Then press "Get Teams' reference" and in the uploading window press "Copy".  Now, open Word and paste this URL to the document file by "Ctrl+V". You get something like this
The Id required is located between "Id=" and "&". Copy this part with the mouse and typeset the following command in the Teams PowerShell:

Get-TeamUser -GroupId 88bb3ee4-a4e6-40ba-8417-bd6f71c8c8f9 | export-csv c:\temp\teams14.csv

The required list of students is now available in Excel file "teams14.csv" (Comma Separated Values format).

Step 2. Creation of the xlsx Table. With standard  actions you may convert  this file into "teams14.xlsx". You edit your excel file to prepare the table with headers and columns for grades.


Teams PowerShell Installation

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.


Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


Get the list of students

Excel Table xlsx

Converting a CSV file to XLXS Table with Excel Macros. 

You may run this process only once if you turn on the recoding mode in Excel Macros.  The detailed instructions follow. All tables which will be created below to make the Excel Macros must have the number of rows, which exceeds the number of students in each class. Otherwise, some students may be missed. To begin with I open the csv file which I got through Teams PowerShell as it was shown above. Then I open this file in Excel

I press "View" tab, then press the arrow below icon "Macros" on the band and chose "Record Macros." 

This action opens a new window:

I fill the first field with the name of the Macros to use it later for other files. The second field is reserved for the hot key to run this Macros inside of Excel. I put the cursor to the box and press Shift+G. This assigns the hot key to the combination Ctrl+Shift+G. You should check if this combination is used in your Excel or not. I leave "Personal Macros Workbook" to be able to run this macros from Excel opened by clicking any csv file. The fourth field is used to describe what this macros was designed for. To start the recording just press "Ok" button.

To delete the first row starting with "#Type..." I select it with the mouse, press the right button and chose "Delete" as shown above. To confirm this operation I click on the "Ok" button in the picture below.

I press the "Ok" button to confirm the operation of moving all rows one position up. In the list obtained first rows are occupied by teachers. It is not reasonable to delete these rows now. We can always delete them later when the xlsx file will be composed.

To get rid of the csv format, starting with "UserID" I highlite the first column.  It is important to take into account the number of students you may have in one class. I recommend having some reserve for this and move the mouse up to the 150th row. I press "Data" tab and then press icon "Text to Columns." I obtain a window shown above. I press "Next."

We edit the squares in the uploading window to get the Check mark in front of "Comma" and nothing in other squares. I press "Next".

The window at the bottom shows how the data will look like if I press "Finish". I see that all commas disappeared and, therefore, press this button.

To see the contents of all cells we use the "Auto Column Width" option in Excel.  I select the first column, press the "Home" tab, press the "Format" icon and press the arrow below the above icon:

I press "Auto Column Width" and obtain the following picture:

I repeat this for columns B and C:

Column A includes system's ID for members of the Team. I do not need them, Therefore, all data through A:2-A:150 can be removed. I am going to split the e-mail addresses in B by the symbol "@". The left part must go to A and the right part should remain in B. However, I also need e-mails of students. To save them I copy the content of B to column D.

I select the whole column B up to cell B:150, press the right button of the mouse and press "Copy". Then I paste all the data of column B to column D

I start splitting the column B. I select all cells B2:B150 and press the "Data" tab followed by pressing the icon "Text to Columns".

I press "Next".

I remove Check mark in front of "Comma" and put in at "Other". I insert "@" at the right square. I press "Next" and obtain the following window.

The control window in black shows that the part of the e-mail will move to column B. We correct this in the field of destination and replace B with A as shown above. After that I press the button "Finish".

Let us observe that the numbers to the left of "@" were moved into column A. However, the format is not correct. All zeros on the first places disappeared and in some cases scientific notation is used. To fix this I select the cells A2:A150, press the arrow as shown below and chose "More Number Formats".

The following uploading window appears:

To simplify actions I first press "Custom", then "Special" and finally again "Custom":

In the field indicated by the red arrow I add six zeros to obtain 12 zeros. It is exactly the number of digits used in the e-mail address at "@". I press "Ok". 

We get column A in a correct format:

I fix the width of A the same way as I did before. Now, I select cells C2:C150, press "Data" and then "Text to Columns":

I press "Next".

I put the Check mark at "Space", remove it at "Others" and remove the symbol "@".

I press "Next".

I replace C with B as shown above and press "Finish".

I fix the width of the columns.

 I change the headers of the columns. Traditionally, one should select the header and edit it in the field "f_x" as shown above.

I create the headers for home works, quizzes, tests, exams ant attestations.

I select the cells from E2 to T150. Click with the right button of the mouse on the selected area and chose "More Number Formats".

I insert an Excel Formula at Q2. It is useful to have formulas at Q2, R2, T2. The reason is that when a table is transferred into Microsoft Lists the formulas remain in the xlsx table. In Microsoft Lists there are their own formulas. They will be in the columns ATT1, ATT2 and GT. One can save final grades in this very file. Then the formulas which I inset now will calculate the results. I copy the formula by placing mouse at Q2 with the right mouse click, then highlite the cells Q2:Q150  and insert the formula copied in Q2 to the column at any place. The formulas will appear at all 149 rows of column Q, I repeat this for every three columns indicated above.

I select the rectangle from A1 to T150, press "Insert" and click the icon "Table". It is important to have Check mark above the button "Ok".

 I obtained the required table. I save it with the .xlsx extension.

Now I can stop recording.

This stops recording.

I close the file.

I press "Ok" to save the macros recorded. Notice that I showed 44 slides. Each operation takes about 30 seconds. It follows that to create this xlsx file one needs about 20 minutes. If now one clicks on a csv file imported from Teams, then it will be opened in Excel. Press the hot key Ctrl+Shift+G. Then you get with this macros the required file in three seconds!! You may also open "View" followed by Macros and press "Run". In both cases just confirm two or three times with Ok and the file is ready. The part of creation the Microsoft List is not actually difficult and is described below.

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Add a description here.


Excel Files and Microsoft Lists

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

To import data from Excel file created (see the picture above) it is very important to create a Table in it. To add Microsoft Lists to a tab of Teams one just press on "+" in the top Menu of Microsoft Teams and chose Microsoft Lists (see the picture below).  Then one should perform actions indicated in other pictures and the Microsoft List with student data is ready.
Step 3. The necessary actions are pictured in the Gellary below.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I click "+" to add the Microsoft Lists tab to the team and then press the "Lists" icon as shown above.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

In the created tab "Lists," I click the icon "Create the list."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I click the icon "From Excel."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press the button "Send a file" (from this device).

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

The system demonstrates the top of the list just to check if everything works fine. I press "Next."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I give the name and description to this new list. I choose the icon for this list in the last row and press "OK."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

The list is ready.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

To reformat the look of the list, I press the check mark at the right top of the window and choose "Format the current view."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press the icon indicated above.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I click on "Change the style of rows."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I make the odd rows green, whereas the even rows yellow.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I change the font size and make it bold.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I change the font size and make it bold.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press "Save" for odd and even rows.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press "Close."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I open the list in the SharePoint corresponding to the Team.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

It is the list in the SharePoint.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press the check mark to the right of the column name. In this example it is "Email."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press show/hide the column.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

In this window I can hide or show columns and move them up and down with the mouse.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

To make the column "ATT2" to be a calculated column, I press "More."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I mark "Calculated" line.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I use a formula to sum up the grades for the second attestation.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I mark "Number" and change "Automatic" to 2 decimal places.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I give the name TOTAL for this column (similarly, for ATT2).

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

To complete the configuration, I press "Ok."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

The "TOTAL" column lists the total grades of students.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

Step 4. We change students permissions to allow read but forbid write. All operations should be made in SharePoint List! By default, students can edit any list in the SharePoint. To correct this, I press the "Settings" icon above.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press "List settings."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I press "Advanced settings."

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

I unmark the circle at "Create items..." by marking the circle at "None." Now students can see grades but cannot edit them. Later I explain how one can arrange things in a such a way that students can see only their own grades.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

The list can be exported back to Excel as shown above.

Converting xlsx files into Microsoft Lists

The exported file includes a column with references to the rows in the list. This opens opportunities to import grades from the list to this excel table semi-automatically. In the Excel file you may find the update button. As soon as you press it, the excel table will be updated with new data from the list. You can also create a table in Access linked to this file. Then the tables in Access will be updated as well.


How to Create Grade Books so that students can see only their own grades?

How to Create Grade Books so that students can see only their own grades?

The process  follows the lines described above up to the moment of creation a Microsoft List. This time a teacher creates a separate team with no students, where he or she includes only assistants with teacher's roles. This team can be named as a Grade Book, for example. In my pictures below it is called Algebra 1 [копия]. Instead of importing the xlsx table to Microsoft Lists in the main class I create the list in this new team. Since there are no students in Grade Book, no student can see any grade in the grade list. The grade list exists also in the SharePoint of the team. A teacher can copy the URL of the list and using "+" at the top menu of the main team make the tab through Web-site application. Then the list appears in the main class, and no student can watch it. We create calculating columns in SharePoint as we did before and after that assign permissions to each row in the grading list. The result is that any student can see only her/his grade. Let me illustrate the process by an example of my real class.

I created a grading list in the Grade Book SharePoint, which in my case is Algebra 1 [копия].

 I add to my list a test student to see how this system works. I already configured all necessary calculation columns. Therefore, adding a new student will just increase the number of rows.

I move mouse to the very left part of the line of the student I added and put Check mark in the circle (see the picture below).

I press the share icon which is shown between the title and email columns. The following menu appears:

It is important first press the first line to remove the editing permission.

First, I remove the Check mark in the box "Allow editing". Then I verify that the Check mark is in the line "Specific people". Finally, I press "Apply".

The e-mail address of each student is present in the list. I start typing it in the first line and chose the required student from the drop-down menu. Then I press "Send". The student receives the link to this very row to the mailbox. I repeat these actions for every student. However, it is unrealistic to expect that students will use this very link to check their grades. 

When I finish with the permissions for individual students I copy the URL of the page (see 2 on the above picture). Using "+" in the tab menu of the main class and Web-site app I insert the ready list as a tab in the team. 

Do I press "Save" and the required Grade Book in the main class is ready for students. The following slides show what any individual student will see if she/he opens the "Grade Book" tab in the main class:

If necessary, the students may turn on the calendar view by pressing "All items" at the top right.

This process of assigning permissions can be automated with Power Automate. I explain how to do this in the Power Automate section of this site.

How to create the Grading Site for the whole university?

The Global Administrator creates the team of all teachers. Then using Power Automate or PowerShell or some other tools creates a subsite for each teacher. The subsites are described here and here. Then each teacher becomes the owner of her/his subsite and instead of creation a special team can create Microsoft Lists in this vert subsite. 

If the Administration of the University fixes special names for the attestation and final exams column, say "ATT1", "ATT2", and "Final", then all grades through all classes will be collected in these very column. Using a Power Automate, the Global Administrator can collect all important grades in these three fields in one xlsx table. This table can be either manually or automatic exported to the Student Information System of the University.

The advantages of this approach are the following:
1) Microsoft Lists are the best interface available now. Teacher can reorder the columns and rows, hide columns, chose how they look.
2) Teachers have a complete freedom in assigning routine task to students and in grading them.
3) University collects information only on important grades, which the Administration of any University can determine itself.